What is temple filler and am I a suitable candidate?
Temple filler can be used to add volume to the temple which aids in overall facial balancing. This often gives a lifting affect as is very popular amongst women, with the likes of Kendell Jenner at the forefront of this trend. This lifting of the eyebrow is often referred to as the fox eye as is easily achievable with this method. The procedure is quick, easy and is much safer than other methods used to lift the eyebrow such as threads.
You are likely to be a good candidate for temple filler if you have sunken or hollow temples. However people often get temple filler for beautifying effects rather than symmetry/correction.
What happens on the day of treatment?
- Following your consultation, a medical questionnaire will be filled out which will deem whether you are suitable for treatment.
- A series of before and after pictures will also be taken at various angles and expressions. This will therefore allow us to compare the outcome of your treatments to ensure we reach your desired result.
- Your skin will then be cleansed and a numbing cream is applied to the area. Numbing cream is proven to reduce pain from filler by 60% when a needle is used. However the same can not be said for the cannula method.Whether a needle or cannula is used will depend on what treatment you are having and also your own facial structure. Generally, for this treatment a needle will be used where by a few injection points will be introduced. The needle is placed to bone as this is the safest method to avoid any important veins. If the needle was to come into contact with a vessel a small bruise may form however pressure to the area immediately will reduce this formation.
- Following the procedure you may feel tender to touch and may possibly experience swelling and redness. This will subside over the following days however over the counter pain relief and arnica cream may be applied.
- We also ask that you refrain from any physical activity for 24 hours and avoid extreme heat, including hot tubs and saunas. It is also advised to avoid make up on the area for 24 hours as this could lead to an infection.
- You will then receive a follow up phone call 2 weeksprior to treatment to ensure you are happy with the treatment

Temple filler
Before and After

“Adding filler to the temple can aid in facial rebalancing while also providing a lift to the eyebrow, cheek and nose to mouth line. This is a highly requested treatment by my patients who want the fox eye effect or just want to look a little younger”
Dr. Rosh
As seen in
Frequently Asked Questions
The filler used contains anaesthetic to numb the area, so you may feel a slight prick but the anaesthetic will kick in very quickly.
Results last between 6-18 months. You will expect to see an instant rejunventated effect from temple filler as this is an area that loses fullness with ageing.
Dr Rosh always carries out a consultation prior to treatment. This may only take a few minutes depending on the treatment, questions and your medical information.
As long as they are administered by a medical professional, then temple filler is a safe procedure.
You may notice some minor swelling and bruising in the area which typically goes down within a few days. Bruising can be covered with makeup after 24 hours.
No, the fillers used at KLNIK are not permanent. They will generally last between 6-18 months depending on the patient's response and lifestyle.
Avoid alcohol for 24 hours
Avoid blood thinners for 24 hours
Avoid excercise for 12 hours
Do not apply make up for 12-24 hours
After 12 hours sun cream can be applied- it is best to avoid sun exposure for a week
To reduce swelling pillows can be placed behind the head at night
Dr Rosh is a highly experienced injector, who has many years experience. Injectables should only be carried out by medical professionals. In order to balance the facial profile and create symmetry it is important to have an experienced injector for such areas.
Unfortunately not. It is better to wait until a few weeks after finishing breastfeeding.
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